Sinus Lift

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure performed in order to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw and is sometimes necessary before getting dental implants on the upper jaw. If there is a significant amount of bone loss, the sinus will need to be moved up in order to make space for the bone graft. Sinus lifts are safe and effective and provide patients with a foundation for bone loss replacement that has been lost or is deficient in the sinus area (upper jaw). A sinus lift is a great option for those who are in need of dental implants, as it will ensure a strong and healthy bone to support the dental implants. 

Some patients may be concerned about the process of sinus lifts; however, at the Oral Surgery Center, our team is here to make sure that you are completely comfortable throughout the entire procedure and you receive the best results possible. We have performed a great amount of sinus lifts and dental implants for our patients and have successfully resulted in healthy, functional, and beautiful smiles.

When Would a Sinus Lift Be Necessary?

A sinus lift is usually performed when a patient has an inadequate amount of bone in the upper jaw in order to support the jaw implant. The sinuses are essentially empty air filled cavities on each side of the nose and can affect whether or not dental implants can be used to replace the missing back teeth in the upper jawbone. The jawbone in this area tends to be thinner than other areas throughout the jawbone and this can be for the following reasons: (1) there was never enough jawbone in the area to begin with, or (2) the jawbone has diminished due to missing natural teeth. 

Whatever the reason may be, our team will be able to examine whether you are an ideal candidate for a sinus lift and can determine what your best option may be. If you believe you have bone loss due to missing teeth and need dental implants or a sinus lift, it is imperative that you contact a dental surgeon for a sinus lift in Mid-Wilshire as soon as possible. Our team will be able to provide you with the healthy, symmetric, and functional smile that you deserve.

Benefits of a Sinus Lift in Miracle Mile

There are many benefits of sinus lifts and has greatly increased the chances of successful dental implants. The results from a sinus lift make dental implants durable and long-lasting. Sinus lifts allow patients with deteriorated upper jaws, small jaws, or large sinuses to get jaw implants, as it provides the necessary support for implants. In addition, sinus lifts in Los Angeles are beneficial for patients with significant bone loss caused by many diseases, including periodontal disease, trauma, or cancer treatment. Without a sinus lift or bone graft, it may be impossible for some to receive dental implants, which provide a long-lasting, durable, and functional smile. 

Contact Our Team For a Sinus Lift in Los Angeles 

At the Oral Surgery Center, we take pride in providing the absolute best treatment and results for our clients. We understand the importance of improving your smile, as it is essential to your health, its functionality, and confidence. If you are in need of sinus lift prior to dental implants, contact our team today. We can provide you with the help you need every step of the way.

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Miracle Mile
6360 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 403
Los Angeles, CA 90048